Monday, January 21, 2008


I have been tagged (apparently something that happens in the blogosphere) to share 6 quirky things about myself. Somehow such a daunting task. What falls in the quirky category, and what goes to the extreme of weird, odd, and unspeakable? I could easily write this list for other people, Mark for example. Tonight he flipped out, I'm even tempted to say "threw a fit", over tupperware. He hates it that much. But he may not put that behavior in the same category. He'd probably say he was perfectly sane in saying he refuses to acknowledge the existence of tupperware in our house.

Finding what's quirky about yourself means stepping outside of your own frame of mind and attempting to take on others' perspectives. About yourself. Easier said than done. Okay, enough procrastinating, Erin. C'mon. List 'em.

1. I have this newish haircut with official bangs that I didn't ask for, so now I get self-conscious whenever I leave the house without styling them a little. I'm sure no one else notices the difference, but I seem to think that if I'm a little done in the hair department, it's okay to go to the grocery store in my pajamas.

2. I hate when people say I don't look pregnant (or as far along as I am). It feels like they must think I always look this fat.

3. I try to save money in some unproductive and/or inefficient ways, even if it's not my money. For example, I wrote a grant to buy materials for the contents of binders for all the teachers in my school, but I used recycled binders rather than just ask for the money for new ones. Also, I go to a special place to get milk (no hormones) and get a card punched to work towards my free 1/2 gallon of milk. It takes fifty punches to earn $2 worth of milk. Is that really worth my time?

I'm getting stuck here and am tempted to go ask Mark for suggestions for my last three, but at the same time fear that what he will call quirks, I will try to justify as totally sane and rational. Hmmm.....

4. I spend way too much time thinking about what Carter eats. Mark will feed him whatever, while I think about how he's done so far today on the food pyramid. And yet, it's okay to give him a few too many homemade chocolate chip cookies--because they're homemade, and somehow that's healthier in my mind.

5. I make sure to put food out for Winston when we leave the house, even if we're going to be gone an hour, even though he often will go 24 hours without touching his food. I justify it by saying, what if something happens and we're gone a lot longer than we expected?

6. I generally like meetings at work, staff meetings, meetings with teachers, observation meetings. I think it's the conversation and the hope of learning something new. But not meetings with parents. I hate those.

Whew, that was harder than I thought. And just so you know, I did ask Mark for input after number four, and he focused on tupperware. Multiple items relating to tupperware. But it felt a bit like criticism, and not something that seemed to fall into the quirky category, so I didn't include his ideas. But his thoughts did support my previous argument that he's a little quirky about his passionate hatred of tupperware.

Although I'm not tagging anyone to publicly post about their quirks, if you get a chance, take a few minutes and see if you can list some of your own. Or even more risky, ask someone else to list them.

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