Sunday, August 23, 2009

Trip to the Outer Banks

I can't believe I haven't posted since July. Time has slipped away since I've returned to work. It's taken me awhile to finally get all the pictures together from our trip to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Mark's family and lots of relatives rented a house in Northern Shores, so we spent the week showing the boys what it meant to go on a beach vacation. They both loved it, of course. Below are some pictures from our trip.

We drove north a bit to see the wild horses on the beach. It's amazing how close they came.
Cameron often ended up naked by the end of our beach time so we could get all the sand out of everywhere.

Carter and Mark loved chasing the waves.

Cameron helped us bury Carter in the sand.

Carter and I chased the edge of the water.

Mark tried to ride some waves on the boogy board.

Cameron loved to watch us play wii and stole the remote when he could. Since then, we've gotten our own wii and play it almost every night.

In the evenings we played corn hole, and Carter liked to watch from the back of Brian's truck.

Here's the whole lot of us that spent the week together. The kids loved having people everywhere to play with them.

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