Friday, August 3, 2007

Out and about

In an effort to feed parts of my starving soul that hadn't been given any sustenance for awhile, I have been trying to get out and get some "culture" in my life. (See What do you want?) It's amazing how easy it's been to find little things here and there that feel so nourishing. During five days off with Carter when Mark was out of town, we went to the Children's Museum, the Butterfly Pavilion, a concert at Hudson Gardens, and some live music in the park. Last weekend the whole family went to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Days and heard the Weary Boys perform. I thought that my appetite would eventually be satiated, but I was wrong. The more I get out and feel a part of the community and dance to live music, the more I want. Mark's gone again this weekend, and I feel a slight bit of desperation in finding something that will help subside this craving. Where's the free outdoor concert? Which museum has a special event I'd like to see?

Part of it may be my lack of a large circle of friends right now. One of my best friends, one who would love to join me in just the sorts of adventures I seek right now, moved back to Pennsylvania. And now that I've just changed jobs for the third time in two years, I'm in the process of building that network of work friends back up again. Being at an outdoor concert sharing the experience of music and dancing and enjoyment helps sustain me right now. And reminds me there are people out there who like to do the same sorts of things I like.

Carter's gotten to an age where he really enjoys going places, too. He just loves new faces and people to whom he can show his new dance moves and tricks. He was enchanted at the Butterfly Pavilion. I get so much joy from just seeing his face light up at new discoveries. He and I have become quite the cultural duo, scouting out local events and sights.

On the other side is Mark who gets anxious about all the people and worries how Carter will fit into the scene. So I am beginning to realize that some of the balance I've been looking for has been in my lap all this time. I just had to recognize it. Now when Mark's out of town or gone with friends doing something fun, I no longer look at it as being stuck at home having to be domestic. It's an opportunity to get out and do something that's not Mark's cup of tea. I finally see the cup as half full. What a world of difference perspective makes.


amy said...

Oh, how I wish I was there to adventure with you Erin!!! It made me get teary.

I have been in NYC and just got home, so an email or phone call update to come soon.

Talk you soon my friend!

Erin said...

I think of you often and wish you could join me. I emailed you and look forward to hearing how things are going with you!