Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cameron's Arrival

Wow. How life can change. I just read my last posting about timing contractions, and can't believe that was only a month ago. After being induced on my scheduled day (April 24), I finally have my beautiful new little boy, Cameron James. He has so quietly and smoothly slipped into our lives that it feels like he has always been a part of our family.

I think we were all bracing for our lives to be turned upside down and inside out with Cameron's arrival. My parents came for four weeks and basically took over running our household (a gift I wish upon anyone deserving; hopefully we were) and then the day they departed, Mark's parents came to take over the duties. The extra help has made life feel doable and manageable and enjoyable. I have been able to really spend some quality time with each of my kids without feeling like the other was being left out; there has always been someone else around to provide the other one with care. I haven't had to worry about life's daily tasks like laundry and vacuuming.

When all the help is gone and it's just Mark and me at home, will we still feel like we can handle this new ratio of 1:1? Or will we wish we had more relatives to call on to take on the daily duties? I'm hoping for the former and fearing the latter. I'm sure we'll have moments of both and will cherish the good time and endure the challenging bits. Only time will tell. For now I'm just going to fully appreciate all of the help and support I have that allows me to really enjoy my new little family.

Below are some pictures of our first days and weeks together. My favorites all tend to be of Carter and Cameron together. They make me feel complete.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you posted. I have been dying to see some photos. : ) You have two beautiful children!!! Wow! I hope I get to meet Cameron this summer. I miss you and hope to talk soon.
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,

(My) Aunt Alice sent me the link for your blog, and I love the pics! I still can't believe that we haven't even met and now I have 2 "nephew/cousins" to meet! Both your boys are adorable, and I really hope to meet you all soon. Mexico & Colorado are both very far away from PA, and none of us get there very often, but hopefully someday soon. Much love to Mark & the boys!
Love from Mark's cousin,